Board of Regents Committees

To address other subjects or issues as appropriate, additional committees may be appointed by the Chairman of the Board of Regents. An Executive Committee comprised of the chairs of the standing and special committees.

Board Committees

Academic & Student Affairs

Charged with oversight of student affairs and system academic policy including, but not limited to, program approval, academic standards and transfer policy.

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Charged with oversight of external audits of all system functions including individual campus audits.

View Charter

Collective Bargaining

Whereas the function of this Special Committee is limited to discussion concerning strategy or negotiations with respect to collective bargaining, pursuant to C.G.S. § 1-200(2) the meetings of this Special Committee, by definition, are not meetings subject to the provisions of the  Freedom of Information Act.  Further, in accordance with Section 1-210(b)(9) of the General Statutes, any records, reports and statements of strategy or negotiation with respect to collective bargaining, are exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act.

Finance and Infrastructure

Charged with oversight of all systemwide fiscal and facility matters including, but not limited to, budget development, tuition, allocation of state general funds and capital budget.

View Charter

Governance & Nominations
Human Resources and Administration

Charged with oversight of all systemwide administrative and personnel policy matters.

View Charter


Responsible for the oversight of technology infrastructure, cybersecurity measures, and the strategic integration of technology across CSCU. It focuses on ensuring robust, secure, and innovative technological environments across the system.

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Advisory Committees

Faculty Advisory Committee (FAC)

The Faculty Advisory Committee (FAC) was created in the 2011 legislative session, the same year that the community colleges, state universities, and Charter Oak State College were consolidated into one system under the Board of Regents (BOR). The FAC members are elected by the campuses. There are ten voting members - four from the state universities, four from the community colleges and two from Charter Oak - and eight alternates. They include both teaching and non-teaching faculty (the latter also known as professional staff). The Chair and the Vice-chair of the FAC serve as ex-officio, non-voting members of the Board of Regents.

The FAC is charged with representing the perspectives of faculty and staff, and providing information and advice, to the BOR and the legislative committees of cognizance. Legislation requires that the FAC report to the BOR twice a year, and yearly to the Higher Education and Employment Advancement Committee of the Connecticut General Assembly.


Members shall serve terms of two (2) years provided full-time employment is maintained. New members shall take office in January of even number years following elections conducted by campus governance bodies every two years in the spring semester of the immediately previous odd-number year. Newly elected members may attend meetings in the fall semester to help assure continuity between the outgoing and incoming Committee members but the newly elected members will not have voting power until they take office in January. Details of the election process, the Committee's role, explanations and rationale are recorded in the May 16, 2013 Special Meeting Minutes on the BOR website and shall provide guidance to future Committees on the conduct of uniform, fair, open elections in accordance with the provisions of Connecticut General Statutes § 10a-3a (Sect. 1 (b)).

A. The Committee shall be composed of ten (10) voting faculty members and eight (8) alternates who shall be elected by their peers in accordance with the provisions of Connecticut General Statutes § 10a-3a (Sect. 1 (a))

1. There shall be three (3) faculty voting members and one (1) alternate representing the four (4) Connecticut State Universities (CSU) elected by full-time faculty. The alternate will rotate among the four universities on an annual basis in the following order WCSU (2012) CCSU (2013) ECSU (2014) SCSU (2015). By January 2016, the CSU representatives on the FAC shall determine a four-year cycle for rotating the alternate member among the representative campuses. The selection of a Chair or Vice-Chair may be considered in this determination.

2. There shall be one (1) at-large voting representative and one (1) alternate from among all of the CSUs' administrative faculty who provide direct student services elected by full-time administrative faculty.

3. There shall be three (3) faculty voting members and three (3) alternates from among the 12 (12) Connecticut Community Technical Colleges (CTC). One representative and alternate each will be elected from among the four (4) large, four (4) medium and four (4) small schools as determined by full-time faculty headcount by full-time faculty within each of the three (3) groupings. The alternates are the runners up in each of the three elections.

4. There shall be one (1) at-large voting representative and one (1) alternate from among all of the CTCs' administrative faculty who provide direct student services elected by full-time administrative faculty from all twelve (12) colleges. The alternate is the runner up in voting across the twelve (12) campuses.

5. There shall be one (1) faculty voting member and one (1) alternate elected by a majority vote of the Academic Council of Charter Oak State College (COSC).

6. There shall be one (1) administrative faculty voting member and one (1) alternate elected by a majority vote of the COSC Academic Council.

(From the bylaws of the Faculty Advisory Committee, approved on April 15, 2016)

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Student Advisory Committee (SAC)

The Student Advisory Committee (SAC) was created in the 2011 legislative session, the same year that the community colleges, state universities, and Charter oak State College were consolidated into one system under the Board of Regents (BOR). The SAC members are elected by the student government organization of the institution they are to represent. There are 17 voting members – four from the universities, one from each of the CT State Community College campuses and one from Charter Oak – as well as a similar number of alternate members. The Chair and the Vice Chair of the SAC serve as voting members of the Board of Regents.

The SAC is charged with representing the perspectives of students and assisting the Board of Regents in performing its statutory functions.

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