Board of Regents Faculty Awards
The Board of Regents Faculty Awards recognize excellence in teaching or research / creative / scholarly work by full-time, junior faculty members of the Connecticut State Colleges & Universities.
2023-24 Call for Nominations
The awards— both campus-based and system-wide — recognize faculty for excellence in teaching or research and are given to adjunct faculty members and assistant and associate professors in tenure-track or tenured positions. These faculty have distinguished themselves as outstanding teachers who promote instructional improvements for their departments, or who are doing research, scholarly, and/or creative work that informs what they do in the classroom.
Teaching Awards
Presented to faculty from each of the four state universities and 12 community colleges. Two system-wide teaching awards (one from the four universities and one from the 12 community colleges) are given to faculty who best exemplify high quality teaching.
Research Awards
Presented to faculty among Central, Eastern, Southern and Western Connecticut State Universities. One system-wide research award is given to the individual who best exemplifies high quality research among the four universities.
Scholarly Excellence Awards
Recognize community college faculty who conduct work befitting the community college mission. One system-wide award is given to the individual who exemplifies high quality scholarly work or exemplary creative activity throughout the 12 community colleges.
Adjunct Faculty Teaching Awards
Given to recognize part-time faculty throughout the CSCU system who have distinguished themselves as outstanding teachers.
Dr. Hitesh Rai Kathuria
Provost and Senior Vice President
On behalf of the Board of Regents, President Terrence Cheng, and President Dr. O. John Maduko, I am again honored to invite nominations for campus-based and system-wide recognitions of excellence in teaching or research/creative/scholarly work by full-time, junior faculty members and part-time faculty members of the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities. The awards are:
Teaching Awards
The awards are given to recognize faculty who have distinguished themselves as outstanding teachers for at least five years and have a minimum of two years’ record of accomplishment of promoting instructional improvements for the programs/departments. Each CSU institution may nominate a campus-based awardee and a system-wide awardee will be chosen from this group. Each community college may nominate a campus-based awardee and a system-wide awardee will be chosen from this group. During each academic year, the Board of Regents might award up to 18 Teaching Awards.
Research Awards
The awards are given to recognize faculty from the state universities who are doing exceptional research/creative work. Each CSU institution may nominate a campus-based awardee and a system-wide awardee will be chosen from this group. During each academic year, the Board of Regents might award up to five Research Awards.
Scholarly Excellence Awards
The awards are given to recognize faculty at the community colleges who are doing exceptional scholarly work befitting the community college mission. Each community college may nominate a campus-based awardee and a system-wide awardee will be chosen from this group. During each academic year, the Board of Regents might award up to 13 Scholarly Excellence Awards.
Adjunct Faculty Teaching Awards
The awards are given to recognize part-time faculty who have distinguished themselves as outstanding teachers with a record of accomplishment of increasing student learning and promoting instructional improvements for the programs/departments. There are no campus-based awardees for this award. Each of the 17 CSCU institutions may elect to nominate a candidate for an adjunct faculty teaching award and from this pool, two applicants might be selected to receive system-wide awards. During each academic year, the Board of Regents might award two Adjunct Faculty Teaching Awards.
Although campus-based and system-wide awardees are not eligible to be nominated for an award over the course of the three subsequent years, non-award winning nominees from previous years may be nominated again in succeeding years.
Each institutional selection procedure will be developed and implemented under the leadership of the respective chief academic officer. Institutional nominations are to be submitted electronically by its president to the Board of Regents through the office of the president or the chief academic officer. Nominations will be reviewed by selection committees that make recommendations to the Board’s Academic and Student Affairs Committee for its review and subsequent endorsement to the full Board for its approval.
Guidelines for the nomination and selection procedures have been established for each award. The guidelines and a template for a cover sheet are available at the system’s website at Please provide a single, combined document for each nomination. The deadline for submission of nominations to the System Office is January 19, 2024. Nominations should be addressed to Dr. Hitesh Rai Kathuria, Provost for Academic and Student Affairs at