UPDATE 7: Accomplishments and the Work Ahead

Dear Capital-East Region Colleague:
This is the seventh in a series of emails about student success work, including the implementation of Guided Pathways, in the Capital-East Region and in Connecticut overall.
In this issue, we’ll review some of the accomplishments so far and preview the work that will be occurring this year and beyond.
Previous emails are available online.

- News and Updates
  - The policy page
  - The work timeline
  - Working together for student success
- Who is leading this work?
- In our next issue



News and Updates

This email highlights the efforts of the working groups, led by your colleagues from around the system, helping us to achieve CSCU’s Guided Pathways goals:

  • Helping more students complete courses and, ultimately, complete credentials that lead to jobs with value in the labor market
  • Advancing equity in our colleges and in our state so all students have the education, skills, and resources necessary for economic advancement

The policy page

The College Consolidation Implementation Committee (CCIC), the Guided Pathways Task Force (GPTF), the Students First Academic and Student Affairs Consolidation Committee (SF ASA CC), and the working groups that report to them have been developing policies that focus on specific aspects of Guided Pathways and consolidation work under Students First.
As we have shared in a previous update, these working groups are organized according to this chart.

The policies that have been created so far can be found on the Policy Page. Highlighted on this page currently are the Areas of Study, the Student Success Key Performance Indicators, and the removal of the application fee. As future policies are developed and approved, they will be posted to this page.


The work timeline

The leadership of these teams has been overseeing the development of a timeline document for this student success work. This is a living document that will be adjusted as the work progresses.

View the Timeline (pdf)
On the document, each group lists between one and five main tasks that it will be working on between now and 2023. This information was shared this summer with regional presidents, college presidents and CEOs, and the Campus Student Success Team leads in order to coordinate all of the efforts to advance equity and student success in CSCU.


Working together for student success

The way we are working together is further illustrated in this one-page document that highlights the role of the Students First working groups, the Student Success Center, Achieving the Dream, and the College Student Success Teams.

View the document (pdf)


Who is leading this work?

As we have seen in previous updates, individuals working at the CSCU system office, including many on loan from your campuses, are coordinating and leading this work under Students First.

In Our Next Issue:

In CSCU Student Success Update #8, which we’ll email in September, we’ll provide updates on the General Education proposal, the rounds of curriculum alignment currently occurring, and more about the overall timeline for this curricular work and the endorsement process going forward.

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