UPDATE 5: Working Groups and National Partners

Dear Colleague:
This is the fifth in a series of emails about student success work at CSCU and in Connecticut overall, including the implementation of Guided Pathways.
In this issue, we’ll look at the organization of our working groups and introduce some of our national partners in this work.
Previous emails are available online.

News and Updates
Working Groups
National Partners
All of this is going on? Who’s doing this?
Get Involved
In Our Next Issue


News and Updates

This email highlights the working groups that are being led by your colleagues from around the system, as well as some of the partnerships that are supporting us to achieve CSCU’s Guided Pathways goals:

  • Helping more students complete courses and, ultimately, complete credentials that lead to jobs with value in the labor market
  • Advancing equity in our colleges and in our state so all students have the education, skills, and resources necessary for economic advancement


Working Groups

For more than a year, the College Consolidation Implementation Committee (CCIC) and the two primary groups it oversees, the Guided Pathways Task Force (GPTF) and Students First Academic and Student Affairs Consolidation Committee (SF ASA CC) have been meeting and developing working groups which focus on specific aspects of Guided Pathways and consolidation work under Students First.
This chart details the organization and reporting lines of these working groups.
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Here’s one example of how these groups work together. Recently, the Choice Architecture working group, which comprises faculty, staff, and administrators from the colleges, developed an Areas of Study policy.
View Policy (pdf)
After seeking, receiving, and incorporating feedback from the colleges, including a survey to students, the Choice Architecture working group unanimously approved the policy. Following the reporting lines in the chart above, the policy next went to the Guided Pathways Task Force (GPTF). The faculty, staff, and administrators on the GPTF also unanimously approved the policy, moving it forward to the College Consolidation Implementation Committee (CCIC). The CCIC includes presidents, CEOs, administrators, a member of the Student Advisory Committee, members of the Faculty Advisory Committee, and system administration. The CCIC unanimously approved the policy as well and determined that the policy should be reviewed by the Academic and Student Affairs committee of the Board of Regents, who approved the policy earlier this month. The Board of Regents was the final group to review the policy, and they approved it earlier today.
To learn more about these working groups, including the charges which detail each group’s primary focus, visit


National Partners

Our primary partner in the implementation of Guided Pathways in CSCU is Jobs for the Future (JFF). The CSCU Student Success Center is one of sixteen Student Success Centers in states throughout the country. This Student Success Center Network, led by JFF, is focused on large-scale student success reforms like Guided Pathways. The network serves institutions that together enroll 62% of the community college students in the U.S.
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Through our partnership with JFF, we have access to expert guidance and support from the national service providers and research organizations shown in the above image.
For example, the Charles A. Dana Center at UT Austin is partnering with our Alignment and Completion of Math and English (ACME) team. Achieving the Dream, who we highlighted last month, is supporting our Holistic Student Supports Redesign (HSSR) group. And Next Chapter Communications helped us to develop a plan to get this information out to you, including this series of emails.
Nationwide, there are many organizations and higher education institutions that are helping to develop proven practices for student success. The work of the CSCU Student Success Center and the many working groups described earlier in this email is to contextualize these practices to fit the needs of our students, our colleges, and our state.


All of this is going on? Who’s doing this?

More than 400 of your colleagues from all CSCU campuses are engaged in this work.
The membership of the Guided Pathways Task Force and all of its working groups are listed here:
The membership of the Students First Academic and Student Affairs Consolidation Committee and all of its working groups are listed here:
As the memberships of additional groups are established, they will be added to these pages.


Get Involved

 Given the volume of work in front of us, we are regularly building teams to engage in this effort. In building these teams, we aim to include faculty, staff, and administrators with diverse perspectives and skills. If you are interested in joining one of these teams, contact



In Our Next Issue:

In CSCU Student Success Update #6, which we’ll email in April, we’ll look at some of the work being done related to onboarding students, including the introduction of our Website and Streamlined Application (WASA) group, as well as the proposal to eliminate the application fee.